Friday, January 25, 2013

Nails of the week

I did my nails last night and once again forgot to take step by step pictures for you guys :(  but here they are anyway.

Revlon Base Coat,Sally Hansen hard as nails in Hard Lemonade,Sally Hansen hard as nails in Rock a-billy,Sally Hansen complete salon manicure in Bittersweet and N.Y.C in a New York minute quick dry top coat. (dotting tool not pictured)  

1. I applied my base coat and once dry I then applied 2 even coats of the yellow polish and let dry.

2. Once dry I use a small dotting tool and the orange polish to create blobs on the nail and let dry slightly

3. I used the smaller pointy side of the dotting tool and the brown polish to draw the c shapes around the orange blobs and in any free space. Then I let it dry slightly so they wouldn't bleed when top coat was applied.

4. Apply quick dry top coat clean up and enjoy.

What they look like :)

Next time I will do a step by step picture post. I hope you all like them ttyl xoxo Stephanie

Monday, January 14, 2013

Lisa Frank tie dye neon rainbow nails

I applied a base coat and a single coat of white polish. Then with pieces of a makeup sponge I dabbed on pink,orange, yellow, green,blue and purple neon polish in random places in the nail. I then applied a holographic glitter top coat and a quick dry top coat. I used a q-tip dipped in remover to clean up and that's it. I really hope you all enjoyed this post. Next time I will try a step by step picture post. Ttyl xoxo Stephanie

Saturday, January 5, 2013

My first Tiger Print nails

New thing I am going to do nail posts every week.

I did my nails last night and it was my first time trying tiger print. I hope you all like them.
Colors I used. Wet n wild: wild shine in french white, Sinful colors: Courtney orange and Wet n wild: fast dry in ebony hates Chris.
Left hand
Right hand

I painted my nails with the white then I used a torn makeup sponge and sponged on the orange faded at the top and darker at the bottom, then I used a nail art brush and the black I painted on the stripes and then I top coated to smooth it all out. I really hope you all like these new thing I am going to be doing on my blog. Future posts will be better I had this idea this morning after my nails were done :) Ttyl xoxo Stephanie